Python Introduction

This tutorial is about another widely used high level programming language, Python.

Today I'm going to introduce to a very useful programming language, Python. 

What is Python?

  • Python is an interpreted language used for general purpose which is object oriented and structured programming are fully supported. 
What are the specialties in Python?

  • There are some specialties in Python. Python language uses dynamic typing and mix of reference counting and a cycle detecting garbage collector for memory management. An important feature of Python is dynamic name resolution ( late binding ), which binds method and variable names during program execution. 
Python is emphasized code readability which notate using of whitespace identation to delimit code blocks rather than curly braces or keywords. And also a syntax which allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C++ and Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable writing clear programs on both a small and large scale.

What are the features of Python can be identified? 

  • Beautiful is better than ugly
  • Explicit is better than implicit
  • Simple is better than complex
  • Complex is better than complicated
  • Readability counts
Functions Defined

  • The core of extensible programming is defined functions. Python allows mandatory and optional arguments, keyword arguments and even arbitrary argument lists.
Compound Data Types

  • Lists (known as arrays in other languages) are on of the compound data types that python understands. Lists can be indexed, sliced and manipulated with other built-in functions. 
Intuitive Interpretation

  • Calculations are simple with Python, and  expression syntax is straightforward: the operations +, - , * and / work as expected; parentheses () can be used for grouping
Quick & Easy to Learn

  • Experienced programmers in any other language can pick up python very quickly, and beginners find the clean syntax and indentation structure easy to learn
All the Flow You'd Expect

  • Python knows the usual control flow statements that other languages speak -if, for, while and range - with some of its own twists of course. If you are new to Python u have to get the Python on your PC. 
Getting Python

  • You have to install Python interpreter which reads the Python programs and carries out their instructions.
  • There are also Python interpreter and IDE bundles available which are meant specifically for beginners. Thonny is a Python IDE with Python 3.5 built in helping beginners. 
  • There are currently two major versions of Python available. Python 2 and Python 3. You can decide which version wil match with your requirements. The major difference is library improvements in Python 3. 
  • You can see how to install Python into your PC in our next tutorial.

Thank you very much for reading this tutorial. If you have any problems regarding this tutorial feel free to make a comment below or you can contact us by sending email to this address,
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  4. Python's introduction is an invitation to a versatile and beginner-friendly programming world. Its readable syntax and extensive libraries make it a top choice for diverse applications. How Protect Theft You can read data.

