Tutorial 1.2 -> Install JAVA in Ubuntu

Today I'm going to show you how download and install java into ubuntu

First of all you have to check whether jdk is installed or not in your computer. You can do that by following steps.
  •  open your terminal. You can open it by press Ctrl + Alt + T.
  • Then type java - version.
 What if terminal shows,

 Hence your computer doesn't have jdk installed. 

Then you have to install jdk to your computer. Simply follow the steps given in below.

  • First of all you have type sudo apt-get update in your terminal for download the package lists from the repository and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. It'll do for all repositories and PPAs.
  • It will take sometimes to update all.


  • After completing download, Then type sudo apt-get install default-jdk in your terminal to install default jdk version. In my case default jdk is installed is 1.8. 

  •  Now you have successfully installed jdk into your ubuntu. 
  • You can verify it by typing the same command to check the version, java -version in your terminal.
Whether if terminal shows,

Hence you have successfully installed java in your computer. 

You can see the demo in following video.

If you cannot see this video you can watch it by clicking here.

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